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In honor of the 1969 Stonewall Inn Uprising in New York City, Manhattan - considered the tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States - each June Americans come together to celebrate LGBTQ Pride Month. Celebrations, parades and other exciting pride events are held across the country - this year will be special as many online events slowly venture back into live fun events. Whether you celebrate with social distancing in mind, at a distance, or via the internet, remember to embrace diversity out loud.
This LGBTQIA pride month, let’s all celebrate human rights and civil rights as we unite to dispel commonly held myths about the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual community.
Common Health Myths about LGBTQIA/LGBT community/LGBTQ community individuals include:
• LGBTQIA sexuality is a chosen unnatural behavior
• LGBTQIA recruit individuals including children
• LGBTQIA are promiscuous and do not value relationships
• LGBTQIA are not good parents
• LGBTQIA individuals should be cured
• LGBTQIA threaten heterosexual relationships
Fake news is endless, but collectively we can squelch the unfounded mythology that has been perpetuated. Besides dispelling myths, let us empower our diverse communities to live their best and healthiest lives. It remains important to seek out LGBTQIA sensitive health care professionals and discuss some of the pressing medical issues. Do not neglect your healthcare.
• HIV infection prevention
• Safer Sex
• Depression Anxiety or other mood disorders
• Hepatitis immunization
• Sexually transmitted diseases
• Breast/Prostate, Testicular/Gynecological and Colon Cancer
• Alcohol /Tobacco and Drug Abuse
• Lifestyle Fitness (stress, sleep, diet and exercise)
• Risk for Anal Papilloma
This June, celebrate with pride no matter your gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or sexual preference. We are emerging from a historic time of the Covid 19 pandemic! Share your coming out stories, dispel the myths about your identity and orientation. Talk openly about your favorite authors, musicians, booklists, q wear and spiritual inspirations not only in the gay community, but with everyone. Openly and proudly fly the rainbow flag, support same-sex marriage, and educate on the gay rights movement.
Remember to date, chat, fall in love! Celebrate and enjoy the ever-changing journey of sexual discovery and pleasure. Celebrate liberation day!